Jujutsu Kaisen, the hit anime and manga series, is known for its complex characters and gripping storylines. One of the most intriguing and tragic relationships in the series is that of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, once best friends who ultimately became enemies. Their story culminates in a fateful confrontation that leaves fans wondering: why did Gojo kill Geto?
The Tragic Fall of Suguru Geto
To understand Gojo's actions, we need to examine Geto's journey. Introduced in the prequel movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Geto starts as an idealistic Jujutsu sorcerer, dedicated to protecting humanity from curses. However, witnessing the horrors of the Jujutsu world and the callous treatment of non-sorcerers by ordinary humans gradually erodes his faith.
Geto's breaking point comes with the traumatic mission to exorcise a cursed spirit from a young girl, only to discover that the villagers responsible for her plight had abused her. This experience shatters his belief in humanity, leading him to develop a twisted ideology: eradicate non-sorcerers to create a world solely for Jujutsu sorcerers. He betrays the Jujutsu world, becoming a dangerous villain who orchestrates a devastating attack on humanity.
The Final Confrontation
In the climactic battle of Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Geto faces off against Yuta Okkotsu, the protagonist of the prequel. Despite wielding powerful cursed spirits and unleashing his ultimate cursed technique, Geto is ultimately defeated. Severely wounded and with his right arm severed, he attempts to escape but is intercepted by Gojo.
Gojo's Difficult Decision
The movie leaves Gojo's actions ambiguous, only implying that he intends to end Geto's life. The scene cuts away before the act, leaving fans to speculate. However, the manga confirms that Gojo did kill Geto.
Faced with his former best friend, now a dangerous and unrepentant villain, Gojo saw no other option. Geto remained steadfast in his beliefs, stating his hatred for "monkeys" (non-sorcerers). Gojo, burdened by the knowledge of Geto's plans and the potential devastation he could cause, made the painful decision to end his life.
It's important to note that Gojo's choice wasn't made out of anger or hatred. Even after their falling out, Gojo still held Geto dear. He refers to Geto as his "best friend, the one and only," using the present tense even after his death. This indicates the profound impact Geto had on him and the weight of his decision to kill him.
The Kenjaku Twist
The plot thickens when Geto reappears in Jujutsu Kaisen season 1 and 2, seemingly alive and well. This apparent resurrection is later revealed to be the work of Kenjaku, an ancient and powerful sorcerer who can transfer his brain into other bodies.
After Gojo killed Geto, he didn't dispose of the body properly, allowing Kenjaku to take possession. He then used Geto's form and abilities to further his own sinister plans, manipulating events from the shadows.
Gojo's Heartbreak
The revelation of Kenjaku's possession of Geto's body is one of the most emotionally charged moments in Jujutsu Kaisen. Gojo, initially shocked to see his supposed dead friend, quickly realizes the truth thanks to his Six Eyes ability.
This betrayal deeply affects Gojo, highlighting his vulnerability beneath his usually stoic demeanor. It's this emotional turmoil that allows Kenjaku to momentarily exploit Gojo's weakness and trap him in the Prison Realm.
The Complexity of Gojo's Choice
Gojo's decision to kill Geto is a complex and morally ambiguous one. Some fans argue that Gojo could have found a way to imprison Geto or help him recover mentally, especially given their past friendship. However, the sources emphasize the severity of Geto's actions and his unwavering commitment to his twisted ideals.
The Aftermath
Gojo killing Geto, while seemingly necessary at the time, had far-reaching consequences. It created an opening for Kenjaku to manipulate events, leading to further chaos and tragedy.
Furthermore, Gojo bears the emotional weight of his decision, forever haunted by the loss of his best friend. It serves as a reminder of the harsh realities of the Jujutsu world and the difficult choices sorcerers must make.